Tips to get in shape and keep fit
Here are 10 ways to keep yourself fit and healthy:
1. Eat less food
The first step is not about dieting, but rather eating less food. If you eat much less than what you need, then your body will start to naturally reduce its intake of calories. Your appetite decreases as well, and you begin to crave healthier foods.
2. Drink water
Drinking plenty of water will help you feel fuller longer. Water helps your digestive system function properly, which can increase your metabolism. It may even cause you to go to the bathroom more often, which could lead to fewer trips to the restroom while at work, which means fewer opportunities to overeat.
3. Exercise regularly
Exercise increases your heart rate, making it harder to snack between meals. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins (happy hormones) that make you happy and satisfied. Endorphins can also block cravings for unhealthy foods. Try walking or running outside whenever possible. You’ll burn calories and keep yourself active!
4. Get enough sleep
Sleep helps regulate your appetite, mood, and energy levels. When you don’t get enough sleep, you’re likely to have trouble concentrating and may find yourself tempted to grab something sweet or salty for comfort. Make sure to set aside time each day to rest and relax.
5. Don’t skip breakfast
Eating a nutritious breakfast will give you sustained energy throughout the day. In addition to providing fuel for your brain, a good breakfast includes protein, fiber, and complex carbs. Include these three healthy ingredients in your morning meal routine to stay full longer and prevent hunger pangs later in the day.
6. Watch portion sizes
Many people tend to overeat when they watch their portions. Be mindful of how many times you eat per sitting and try to limit yourself to six small meals instead of two big ones.
7. Avoid processed foods
Processed foods lack vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They also tend to contain high amounts of sugar, fat, and preservatives. Instead, choose whole, unprocessed foods.
8. Manage stress
Stress contributes to overeating because it causes your brain to release chemicals, such as cortisol and adrenaline. When you’re stressed, you tend to eat more, and your body stores more fat than usual. If you’re feeling particularly stressed, try a stress-reduction technique such as meditation or yoga to lower your stress levels.
9. Make healthier choices
Make healthy foods choices whenever possible. You’ll feel fuller longer, so you’ll eat less, and you’ll lose more weight. If you want to lose weight fast, choose healthy foods like chicken breast, vegetables, fruit, and fish over unhealthy foods such as donuts, doughnuts, candy, or soda.
10. Add an activity
Research shows that people who exercise tend to have lower body mass indexes (BMIs), the calculation of body fat based on height and weight. It’s thought that the extra activity they get leads to a reduction in hunger and an increase in metabolic rate.