Anglican Watch Spotlights Spiritual Abuse in the Church From Around the Globe
Boston, MA – Feb 10, 2023 – Spiritual abuse is every bit as traumatic as physical abuse, but receives little recognition and is often condoned by inaction of the church. Anglican Watch is the unofficial watchdog of the Episcopal Church, holding abusers accountable, promoting awareness of abuse, and helping heal victims that have been abused by the church.
Anglican Watch is an all-volunteer, non-profit publication. It accepts no advertising or donations to ensure it’s able to work independently. Its mission is bringing to light abuses perpetrated by the church, behind the scenes and out of sight, that leaves parishioners feeling betrayed.
The publication has professionally investigated and uncovered an array of spiritual abuse instances in which actions speak far louder than words. They range from misconduct and corruption to illegal activities. Adultery, alcoholism and other bad behaviors continue to be revealed.
Bringing light to the darkness is an essential tenet of the Christian faith. That’s exactly what Anglican Watch is doing. It’s difficult for victims of abuse to share their stories. Those experiences involve significant pain and suffering. Spiritual abuse is a toxic culture that can encompass financial exploitation, repeated criticism, shaming, intimidation, and accusations that individuals lack faith. It occurs when church leaders take for themselves power and authority, without accountability.
The publication was founded in 2015 by Anglican Watch editor, Eric Bonetti, after his own experience with the church. He inquired into questionable practices involving HR, cash management and financial reporting, potential age discrimination, and other governance issues, along with workplace harassment and bullying. The problems were discounted and Bonetti was told to find another church. The situation was escalated by the church to false police reports and claims of mental illness.
Anglican Watch is highlighting the abuses and misconduct in the Episcopal Church around the globe. The publication welcomes tips, story ideas, and guest bloggers. Anglican Watch is demonstrating to victims of spiritual abuse the frequency with which it occurs and that they are not alone.
For more information, visit: https://www.anglicanwatch.com/
About Anglican Watch
The Anglican Watch seeks to provide accurate information in a professional manner. The publication tries to cover all aspects of church-related abuse. The publication’s editor is an accomplished writer, with placements in the Huffington Post, National Review, and other traditional and new media outlets.
Media Contact
Company Name: Anglican Watch
Contact Person: Eric Bonetti, Editor
Email: Send Email
Phone: 240-630-0942
Country: United States
Website: www.anglicanwatch.com
Source: Financial Content